Tripod Interim Analysis
On July 21-22, 2017, INA-RESPOND Secretariat invited four active TRIPOD sites to attend the first TRIPOD interim analysis meeting. The four active sites are RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, Bali (site 520); RSUP dr. Kariadi, Semarang (site 560); RSUD Soetomo, Surabaya (site 570); and RSUP dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta (site 580). The Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI and one of the two Research Assistants are requested to be present at the meeting. The following are the spokesperson from each site:
- Site 520: dr. Yuli Gayatri, SpPD, FINASIM and dr. I Gede Yoghie Pradnyana
- Site 560: dr. Banteng H. Wibisono, SpPD-KP, FINASIM and dr. Adhella Menur Naysilla
- Site 570: dr. Tutik Kusmiati, SpP(K) and dr. Andra Pranata
- Site 580: dr. bambang Sigit Riyanto, SpPD-KP, FINASIM and dr. Friska Faradina
The interim analysis meeting aimed to evaluate the TRIPOD study, which had been running for six months. Data from 52 subjects (per July 12) was analyzed in the meeting. Dr. dr. Erlina Burhan, MSc, SpP(K), who is the Principal Investigator for the study led the discussions, where sites reported their activities as well as the challenges faced at each site. Some of the challenges discussed in the meeting were enrollment target, administration procedure, and specimen handling (especially PBMC). In addition, protocol amendment was also one of the main items in the agenda to discuss as it may improve the quality of the study in the future.
For more information on the TRIPOD, please go to the following page: https://ina-respond.net/our-studies/#tripod-study
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