Dr. Clifford Lane, dr. Ray Chen and Dr. Aaron Neal visited the new office of INA-RESPOND Secretariat

By: Dedy Hidayat

On Tuesday afternoon, June 14, 2022, the INA-RESPOND Secretariat Jakarta had guests from NIAID. Dr. Clifford Lane, dr. Ray Chen and Dr. Aaron Neal visited the new office of INA-RESPOND Secretariat, Jakarta at building 6 Floor 3, BKPK (formerly located in Building 4, 5th Floor, Badan Litbangkes) to see the new atmosphere and workflow of INA-RESPOND Secretariat staff.

During this visit, representatives of NIAID, representatives of the INA-RESPOND Secretariat, Jakarta (dr. Herman Kosasih and dr. Karyana), and representatives of the INA-RESPOND reference laboratory (dr. Dewi Lokida) had the opportunity to discuss several important topics related to the position of INA-RESPOND and plans for this research network.

INA-RESPOND conducts high-quality research on infectious diseases in Indonesia. We hope the network can continue to exist, develop, and help promote research in Indonesia to benefit the Indonesian people, the surrounding regions, and the global community.

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